“Experience has shown that force alone cannot reduce the drug supply or the criminality and corruption that it induces. We need to regulate drugs because they are risky. Drugs are infinitely more dangerous when produced and sold by criminals who do not worry about any safety measures. Legal regulation protects health. Consumers need to be aware of what they are taking and have clear information on health risks and how to minimize them.”
Kofi Annan, former UN Secretary General
About LEAP
LEAP is an international organization with representatives in the USA, UK and Latin America. LEAP advocates for a more rational and evidence-informed approach toward illicit drug policy and seeks to end drug prohibition and what has been roundly condemned as the ‘war on drugs’ approach.
LEAP is made up of serving and former police officers who believe that our current approach toward drug enforcement has failed and a new approach is needed. The approach that LEAP advocates for is the regulated and controlled availability of all currently illicit drugs. LEAP can speak at your meeting, forum or conference. Just contact us!
Do you want to help drive a new approach toward drug policy that will lead to safer outcomes for our communities? Want to hear more and invite LEAP to speak at your meeting? Contact LEAP today!
The history of prohibition
It all started with Nixon!
We know there are risks associated with most drug-taking, and few of us are not touched by the personal stories of lives ruined. Yet many of these risks are connected to the illegality of some drugs.

Drugs and Society
Drugs are as much a part of culture and civilisation as any other tool that humans have developed to enjoy and ease the burden of life and deal with a range of ailments.
We know there are risks associated with most drug-taking, and few of us are not touched by the personal stories of lives ruined. Yet many of these risks are connected to the illegality of some drugs .
a new model
LEAP believes that the approach that will reduce the negative consequences of drug use and lead to a far better outcomes for our community is the regulated and controlled availability of currently illicit drugs.